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Captain Kit

Temptations Adrift



Black Vitrum

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temptations adrift

Jude is new to the pirate life, and doesn't really know what he wants. He's constantly wanting to prove himself and thrives in challenging situations. He's very outgoing once he gets to know someone, but remains quite reserved and private about his personal life and desires.

Full Name: Jude Lavigne

Aliases: Tapper, Pup

Age: Late 20s

Height: 6'4"

Heritage: French

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Gay

Job: Pirate crew (formerly: bartender)

Weapon of Choice: Halberd

Relationships: Friends with Sebastián, attracted to Kit

Notable Features: Tall and lean, but very well built. Thick body hair and a fast growing beard. Emerald birthstone necklace. Simple gold studded earrings.

Created: April 2022 


temptations adrift

Sebastián a hardworking jack-of-all-trades, currently sailing on Kintsugi's pirate crew. He takes his work seriously and never half-asses anything, but loves booze, music and partying when he's off duty. He's an incredibly affectionate romantic, and tends to fixate on new friends and relationships. Overall he is kind and fun loving, but has a darker, selfish side that few people witness.

Full Name: Sebastián De Leon

Aliases: Peaches

Age: Late 20s

Height: 5'9"

Heritage: Spanish

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Job: Pirate crew (formerly: general contractor)

Weapon of Choice: Short Sword

Relationships: Likes Jude, hates Captain Kit.

Notable Features: Two gold helix earrings on each ear. Goatee. Broad and stocky build.

Created: April 2022 
